Discover 16th - 18th century Venice from gondolas and glassblowing to the world of Vivaldi, medicine, and courtesans in these 10 historical fiction books.
Visit these top cities in the Veneto region by train from Venice.
Be transported to 18th century Venice with Gregory Dowling’s mystery books, Ascension and the Four Horsemen starring Alivse Marangon.
Save time and money in Venice with a San Marco Pass, a Museums Pass, or Venice Gold City Pass - choose the one that's right for you.
Try something new on your Venice vacation: cooking class with lunch in costume, rowing lessons, or Venetian mask making.
5 cities and towns to visit on the train line between Florence and Venice.
Visit the glass-blowers island of Murano, the colorful island of Burano, and Torcello Island with its Byzantine mosaics.
Do you like to dream about Venice? See 3 stunning books for your armchair travels.